CERI Energie Environnement


Education: PhD in Isotopic Geochemistry (University of Aix-Marseille III, 1997).
Research activity: Head of the inorganic particulate chemistry laboratory.
Laboratory development and field application in atmospheric analytical chemistry (indoor and outdoor) to better constrain the pollutant sources and their environmental and human health impact. Trace and major elements are characterized in sized resolved particle samples and various source-receptor models are employed to decipher between emission sources and their relative contributions to the sampling site. Synthetic biological solutions mimicking the pulmonary surfactants or the gastro-intestinal fluids are tested to estimate the bioaccessible fraction of potentially toxic metal known to induce inflammatory responses or DNA damages. Similarly, various acellular oxidative potential methods (DTT, AA, DCFH) are developed on airborne particles to estimate their intrinsic capacity to induce an oxidative stress on a cellular level.
Involved in various institutional organisms concerning research, regulation and standardization such as the LCSQA, AFNOR, ANSES and CEN.
6 most significant publications (in the last 3 years):
65 articles / H-index: 31
1. Sotty J., Kluza J., De Sousa C., Tardivel M., Anthérieu S., Alleman L., Canivet L., Perdrix E., Loyens A., Marchetti P., Lo Guidice J., Garçon G., Mitochondrial alterations triggered by repeated exposure to fine (PM2.5-0.18) and quasi-ultrafine (PM0.18) fractions of ambient particulate matter. Environment International (2020) 142, doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105830.
2. G.-M. Lanzafame, D. Srivastava, O. Favez, B. Bandowe, P. Shahpoury, G. Lammel, N. Bonnaire, L. Alleman, F. Couvidat, B. Bessagnet, A. Albinet, One-year measurements of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) markers in the Paris region (France): Concentrations, gas/particle partitioning and SOA source apportionment, Science of the Total Environment, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143921.
3. M. Ghanem, E. Perdrix, L. Alleman, D. Rousset, P. Coddeville, Phosphate Buffer Solubility and Oxidative Potential of Single Metals or Multielement Particles of Welding Fumes, Atmosphere, Vol 12, N°1, 2021. DOI: doi.org/10.3390/atmos12010030.
4. A. Sonnette, O. Delhomme, L. Y. Alleman, P. Coddeville, M. Millet, A versatile method for the quantification of 100 SVOCs from various families: Application to indoor air, dust and bioaccessibility evaluation, Microchemical Journal 169 (2021). DOI: 10.1016/j.microc.2021.106574.
5. P. Espina-Martin, E. Perdrix, L.Y. Alleman, P. Coddeville, Practical approach for an easy determination of the limit of detection and uncertainty budget associated with on-line measurements of gas and aerosols by ion chromatography, Atmospheric Environment 287 (2022).
6. F Jacob, P Genevray, C Clety, E Perdrix, L Y Alleman, S. Anthérieu, G. Garçon, G ; Dhont, A. Cuisset, J. M. Lo Guidice, A. Tomas. New insights into the chemical composition and formation mechanisms of secondary organic aerosols produced in the ozonolysis of limonene. Journal of Aerosol Science, 173, pp.106214. doi.org/10.1016/j.jaerosci.2023.106214.
Publications HAL