CERI Energie Environnement


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Research interests: complex fluids, non-Newtonian fluid dynamics, turbulence, mixing, optical methods (PIV, PTV, PLIF, BOS), heat and mass transfer, chaotic flows, rheology, suspensions, (bio)process intensification, flow visualisation, educational experiments.
Teaching and course supervision: Introduction to fluid mechanics, Continuum Mechanics, Convection II, Conduction II, Introduction to complex fluids, Renewable energy.
Previous positions
- 2019-2020 – Postdoctoral fellow – EPSRC CORAL project – University College London, FLUME group, Mechanical Engineering Dpt.
- 2018-2019 –Teaching and Research Assistant (ATER) – INSA Lyon, Mechanical Engineering Dpt.
- 2018 – PhD in Fluid Mechanics – University of Lyon, INSA Lyon – Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics (LMFA, CNRS)
- 2015 – Master of Science in Fluid Mechanics – INSA Lyon, University of Lyon
- 2015 – Mechanical Engineering degree – INSA Lyon
ORCID : 0000-0003-3375-9921
Publications HAL