RIFFAULT Véronique
CERI Energie Environnement


Full Professor in Atmospheric Sciences
Research interests: Characterization of fine particle composition and formation processes through lab and field experiments. In particular, investigation of the fine aerosol composition mostly with online instruments during several national and international field campaigns in urban, industrial and rural areas, as well as aerosol in situ observations (ACSM, AE33) at the ATOLL site (French ACTRIS National Facility) in Lille since 2016.
Professional experience:
- 2024-present: Deputy Head for Environmental Research at the Centre for Education, Research and Innovation on Energy and Environment (CERI EE) of IMT Nord Europe
- 2022-present: Deputy Director of the Doctoral School “Sciences of Matter, Radiation and Environment”
- 2013-present: Full Professor in Atmospheric Chemistry at the CERI EE
- 2012 (3 mo): Associate Professor at IMT Nord Europe
- 2006-2012: Assistant Professor at IMT Nord Europe
- 2002-2004: Research associate at the Earth System Research Laboratory (NOAA, Boulder, CO) – Group of Atmospheric Chemical Kinetics (Prof. Ravishankara)
- 2012: Habilitation diploma – “Contribution to the study of particulate organic matter: formation processes and characterization” – University of Lille, France
- 2002: PhD in Chemistry – “Reactions of Br- and Cl-containing radicals of atmospheric interest” – University of Orléans, France
- 1999: Master in Chemistry of the atmospheric pollution and physics of the environment – University of Orléans
Research supervision and leadership:
10 postdocs (1 ongoing) |17 PhD students (3 ongoing) | 12 Graduate students (MSc) | 7 Undergraduate students.
- Current scientific co-coordinator of the “Aerosol observations” working group in the French Laboratory of Excellence CaPPA (Chemical and Physical Properties of the Atmosphere)[1].
- Former Short-Term Scientific Mission Coordinator of the COST Action COLOSSAL[2] promoting European networking activities related to aerosol observations and source apportionment.
- Current leader of the task “Development and application of training through virtual access” to provide pilot tools for training in the European Research Infrastructures related to atmospheric sciences (ACTRIS, IAGOS and ICOS) in the framework of the H2020 ATMO-ACCESS project[3].
- Co-Chair of the ACTRIS National Facility Technical and Scientific Forum[4].
Research impact:
- 88 peer-reviewed articles (WoS h-index: 25)
- 152 communications in international conferences
Publications HAL