Enseignant-chercheur HDR
CERI Matériaux et Procédés


MAHERZI Walid holds a PhD in Materials Chemistry obtained in 2013 from the University of Caen-Basse Normandie; He also holds an engineering degree in Public Works from the Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics in Algiers (Algeria). Since 2017, MAHERZI Walid has held the position of Associate professor in Civil Engineering at the Materials and Processes Teaching, Research and Innovation Centre at IMT Nord Europe. He is also responsible of the Analytical Tests and Observations Unit at the CERI Materials and Processes. MAHERZI Walid has taken part in several research projects, as Technical responsible, on the theme of the Circular Economy and the reuse of industrial by-products and waste as secondary raw materials for the civil engineering sector. MAHERZI Walid has co-authored more than 40 scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals and more than 50 papers at national and international scientific events.
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